This week in the MPP studio, Bill is joined by Amber Viola, a former member of Masters Commission, a discipleship program which has been widely criticized and considered to be a cult. In this episode, Amber bravely recounts her experiences living and working within a cultic environment, shedding light on the emotional and psychological toll of extreme indoctrination. Her vivid descriptions reveal a world marked by extreme control, financial strain, and emotional turmoil. Amber discusses the intense pressure to conform, the isolation from family, and draws parallels to the broader issues within evangelicalism and the damaging practices of conversion therapy camps. Her narrative is a powerful testament to the resilience required to break free from such environments and the importance of speaking out about these injustices. The episode concludes with a heartfelt exploration of Amber’s survival and recovery from cultic trauma, her journey as a military veteran, and the mental health challenges she faced. She discusses the therapeutic process of writing her book, aimed at inspiring and supporting other Veterans facing similar struggles.



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